Last month’s tip talked about the importance of building students’ STEM self-efficacy, and that one strategy for doing so includes finding role models for your students. Ideally, these role models will look like or have similar backgrounds to your students. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Connect with your local university and their student associations/societies. For example, chapters of the National Society of Black Engineers (, the Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers (, or the Society of Women Engineers ( might be excited to come talk to your class about becoming an engineer.
  • Connect with local businesses that employ engineers, and invite individuals who may relate well to your classroom to speak to your class about what they do.
  • Show your students famous engineers and scientists who come from backgrounds similar to theirs (e.g., Google search, Youtube videos).

Here is a list of resources that might help you get started:

This diversity tip was originally shared in the April 13, 2016 Newsletter.

If you have a diversity/inclusion tip or resource you would like to share with the division, please email Morgan Hynes

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