
7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.  Registration 

7:30 a.m. – 8:15 a.m.  Continental Breakfast –  Remarks: National Instruments

8:00 a.m. – 8:15 a.m.  Opening Remarks

8:15a.m. – 9:00 a.m.  Opening Plenary – Keynote: Dassault Systèmes

9:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Breakout Session I

Tying STEM Together with Manufacturing from Child to Adult Sponsored by Dassault Systèmes

LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3 Robotics in the Middle School Classroom – Getting Started Sponsored by Lego Education

Effective STEM Curriculum for Girls, Vanderbilt University

Brains over Bridges: Engineering Education through a New Window, Springfield Technical College and Smith College

Nanotechnology as the Content for Stem Learning and Teaching, Purdue University, EPICS

The Engineer’s Way: Designing Your Way to Engineering Habits of Mind, University of Virginia

Picture STEM: Curricula for K-2 Literacy and STEM Integration, Purdue University, INSPIRE

Making the World a Better Place with Paper Clips, Tape, and Straws: Lessons in K-12 Human-Centered Design, Purdue University, EPICS

Classroom Makerspaces: Broadening engineering contexts to broaden participation, Purdue University

Engineering byDesign™ Elementary TEEMS: Inspire your students through the Grand Challenges for Engineering!, ITEEA

A System’s Approach to Developing Community -Based Counselors’ Engineering Workshops, NASA

10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Refreshment Break

10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Breakout Session II

A Hands-on Experience in Collaborative Engineering Design and Manufacturing to Inspire Tomorrow’s Engineers, Sponsored by Dassault Systèmes, Georgia Institute of Technology

ENGR 101 MS: Engineering Curriculum for Middle School Students, University of Arizona

“E” = Engaging, Empowering, Elementary Engineering, North Carolina State University

Novel Engineering: An Integrated Approach to Teaching Engineering and Literacy, Tufts Center for Engineering Education

Nanotechnology as the Content for STEMLearning and Teaching, Purdue, EPICS

Saving Animals, Saving Ourselves: Engineering Design Curriculum with an Environmental Context, Auburn University

Smart Lighting and LEDs, Boston University

Making the World a Better Place with Paper Clips, Tape, and Straws: Lessons in K-12 Human-Centered Design Purdue, EPICS

Teaching Creative Redesign Through Reverse Engineering: Tools and Techniques from Engineer Your World,  UTeachEngineering, University of Texas

Engineering by Design™ Elementary TEEMS: Inspire your students through the Grand Challenges for Engineering! ITEEA

A System’s Approach to Developing Community -Based Counselors’ Engineering Workshops, NASA

12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. K-12 Luncheon

1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Breakout Session III

Create Your Own Interactive 3D Digital Learning Applications in an Hour, Sponsored by Dassault Systèmes

Design, Models, and MATLAB, Sponsored by Mathworks

Geometry and the Engineering Design Process, University of Cincinnati

The Curiosity Machine: Connecting Engineers with Classrooms, Curiosity Machine, Iridescent

EngrTEAMS: STEM Integration Curricular Modules for Grades 4-8, Purdue University and University of Minnesota

Materials Science:  Bringing engineering into the Science Classroom Using Solids, ASE International Education Foundation

Engineering Teamwork: Reinforcing Collaborative Communication Through Design Challenges, SY/STEM Education Consulting

Engage in Engineering! Delivering Integrative STEM and Community Based Service-Learning through the EPICS and Engineering by DesignTM Partnership, Purdue University, EPICS

Fun By Design: Engaging Elementary Students in Engineering through Game Design, The School at Columbia University

How to Create and Use Engaging Lesson Plans in Engineering for Early Elementary Using Neighborhood Models to Explore an Electrical System, Butler University and IUPUI

2:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Refreshment Break

3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Breakout Session IV

The Next Generation of Hands-on Learning for Digital Electronics, Sponsored by National Instruments

Teaching STEM Principles through the Design, Construction and Deployment of Water Quality Sensor, University of South Florida

Real World Redesign, University of St. Thomas

Developing Engineering Habits of Mind in the Minds of Elementary Students, Engineering is Elementary

Seek and You Will Find – Engineering Design, WPI

Designing Energy-Efficient Buildings: Teaching Scientific and Engineering Practices Using an Open-Access Smart CAD Program, Purdue University

Fostering Engineering Habits of Mind In Elementary Age Youth And Their Parents, Foundation for Family Science and Engineering

Engage in Engineering! Delivering Integrative STEM and Community Based Service-Learning through the EPICS and Engineering by DesignTM Partnership, Purdue University, EPICS

Advanced Math for Engineering and Science – Providing a Hands-on Experience for Upper-level Math Concepts, Cyber Innovation Center

Engaging Elementary Students in the Engineering Habit of Mind of Optimism, North Carolina State University

Encouraging Creativity, Gender Equity, and Arts in the STEM Classroom with Conductive Thread and LilyPad Arduino, SparkFun Electronics

4:15 p.m. –  5:00 p.m. Wrap Up Session, Pick up Workshop Certificate of Completion

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