The K-12 and Precollege Division Wednesday Update

Look for information on the following topics in this message:

  • Chair’s Update
  • Reviewers Needed!
  • IRB Proposed Changes
  • 2012 Abstract Submission Information
  • K-12 and Precollege Division Call for Papers
  • Feedback needed on the proposed science standards

Chair’s Update:

Hello, K-12 and Precollege Division Members!  I hope your academic year has gotten off to a smooth start.  This week’s message is full of information about paper development/submission for the San Antonio conference, changes to IRB rules and a last chance for you to provide YOUR professional expertise and view on the proposed science standards.  Please note due dates in each item.  For the science standards, we will send our division’s feedback to ASEE for inclusion in an organizational response.  I realize it is another thing on your to-do list, but it’s important to weigh in since the standards include engineering principles, so I hope you will find some time.

Calling all reviewers!  Abstracts are soon due and papers seem to come right after.  Please see the information about becoming part of our review team—it gives you a chance to directly impact the program at the conference.

Your division executive team is busy behind the scenes.  We are working closely with ASEE headquarters, the Corporate Member’s Council K-12 Special Interest Group and the Engineering Deans Council (with the aid of UVa Dean Jim Aylor) to further the work in K-12 and Precollege Engineering.  We are also working on a conference on K-12 Engineering to be held the last week of April, 2012….stay tuned!

As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns.   The executive board has a conference call the second Wednesday of each month, so if you have something you’d like to get before the team, please let me know.  Take care and have a great week!


WE NEED YOU!!—It’s Abstract and then Paper Review Time!

Please consider reviewing abstracts and/or papers for our division for the Annual Conference this year—we need a large and diverse group of members to help make our technical sessions the best at the conference.  Please email Program Chair Laura Bottomley and enthusiastically volunteer!  Laura makes a convincing case:  “This action will accumulate much positive karma for you, I am sure…But seriously, our division depends on presenting a quality program at our Annual Conference, and, in fact, we are depended on by many others to do so as well!  Our success is, in turn, dependent on both our authors and our reviewers.  So please consider helping!”

Heads Up Researchers:  Proposed Changes to IRB Regulations

The Department of Health and Human Services is proposing changes to the current IRB regulations.  Since many in the ERM community require IRB approvals or exemptions, these changes (if approved) will eventually affect our research.  You may download the pages of the Federal Register in which the proposed changes are outlined here:!documentDetail;D=HHS-OPHS-2011-0005-0001

The public comment period on the proposed changes ends on September 26th.  If you wish to submit comments you may do so here:!searchResults;dct=N;rpp=10;po=0;s=HHS-OPHS-2011-0005

Both of these URLs will require Java to be enabled.  Thanks to our friends in ERM for the heads up!
2012 Abstract Submission Phase Now Open!

We are eager to announce that the abstract submission for the 2012 Annual Conference and Exposition being held in San Antonio, Texas on June 10-13, 2012 is now open!  You can now submit your abstract, but be sure to submit it no later than Friday, October 7th. The Call for Papers for the various divisions are now available on our website at

The 2012 Annual Conference Author’s Kit has extremely important information regarding the submission process as well as all relevant deadline dates and is also available now on our website at In order to ensure that all papers are processed in a timely manner, all authors are responsible for meeting all deadlines and requirements, so please be sure to read the Author’s Kit and refer to it whenever necessary.

Professional Interest Council Special Project Fund

Additionally, the Profession Interest Council (PIC’s) has a Special Project Fund available for all ASEE Divisions and Constituent Committees during the 2011-2012 ASEE Annual Conference year. For more information please visit

If you have any questions regarding submitting your abstract submission, your Monolith account or the paper management process, please first view the Author’s Kit before contacting me (Wayne Davis, Program Manager) at (202)331-3530 for assistance.

We are looking forward to seeing you in San Antonio as well as your participation in another successful and informative conference!

2012 Annual Conference Call for Papers

The K-12 AND PRE-COLLEGE ENGINEERING DIVISION seeks papers for the 2012 ASEE Annual Conference, which will be held in San Antonio, TX June 10 – 13, 2012.  This division provides a forum where the research, development, implementation and dissemination of K-12 e engineering and/or technology education initiatives, curriculum, instruction and ideas are shared and discussed.  We invite papers related to all aspects of K-12 engineering and technology education efforts including:  (a) studies of innovative curriculum, pedagogical methods, and teacher preparation and professional development; (b) appropriately assessed and/or evaluated, effective outreach and education efforts, particularly those efforts contributing to greater diversity and access to engineering and/or awareness among key stakeholders such as teachers, principals, guidance counselors, parents and policy-makers; and (c) models for establishing, maintaining, and measuring the impacts of partnerships between universities, primary and secondary schools, industry and/or informal educational settings. Special sessions for 2012 are not yet identified.  Information will be sent out to the division membership when available.  Others should monitor the K-12/Precollege Division website.

This year’s papers will include the possibility of two tracks.  Either: papers will report the results of research or systematically collected outcomes assessment (i.e. data will be expected by reviewers) or papers can present “works in progress.”  Submissions should indicate clearly in the abstract which of these two tracks are appropriate.  Works in progress may have a higher likelihood of being assigned to a poster session and should have innovative aspects that have not been previously published by others. Papers authored collaboratively between engineering and technology education faculty, industry, outreach partners, and K-12 teachers are encouraged. Additional information about review criteria and the special sessions will be sent through the division member list-serve and will be posted along with answers to frequently asked questions on the K-12 division website ( Updated information about submission processes and deadlines can be obtained at:

For more information, please contact the Division’s Program Chair, Laura Bottomley, North Carolina State University.
We need your expertise—by SEPTEMBER 30!

A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas was recently released on the National Academies Press website (read and/or download it at  ASEE will be submitting feedback to the committee.  A subset of our policy committee will coordinate our division’s response to ASEE HQ.  Please send your comments and feedback by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 to any of the following board members:  Martha Cyr, Tamara Moore or Christine Schnittka.



Liz Parry
North Carolina State University College of Engineering
Coordinator, K-16 STEM Partnership Development
Chair, American Society for Engineering Education K-12 and Precollege Division

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