Dear ASEE K12 and Precollege Engineering Division Members,

There is so much going on in the K12 division and just in engineering education right now!  This newsletter highlights several division specific opportunities as well as four job openings.  I hope that you will take advantage of many of the divisional opportunities.

Several of these opportunities relate to the annual conference in June and related pre-conference events, and it’s important to distinguish amongst them.  Please know that the K12 Workshop on Saturday, June 14, is on – but the call for proposals has not been issued.  On Sunday as the conference begins, the division will likely host a workshop on that Sunday morning and/or afternoon; the call for proposals for these workshops was sent out earlier and is included in this email (item #4).  There’s the main conference of course where we hope many of you will share your current research.  This is annual conference call for proposal, included in item #5.  During the conference, the division sponsors a special session called the Best Practices in K12 and University Partnerships.  The call for this session is in item #3.

1)      USA Science and Engineering Festival Exhibit and Professional Development Opportunities (due October 17!)

2)      ASEE K12 Division at the NSTA Regional Conferences this Fall

3)      ASEE K12 Division Best Practices in K12 and University Partnerships Call (due January 13)

4)      ASEE K12 Division Sunday Workshops Call (due October 6!)

5)      ASEE K12 Division Annual Conference Call for Papers (due October 20!)

6)      JOB Posting at CU Boulder: Assistant Dean for Inclusive Excellence

7)      TCNJ K-12 Technology & Engineering Education Faculty Opening (Tenure Track)

8)      Tenure Track faculty openings (2 positions), Engineering Education, Virginia Tech

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly with information that should be shared with the division or if you have questions or concerns about division work.  It’s easiest to reach me by email at

All the best,


This year the American Society for Engineering Education’s K12 and Precollege Division will participate in the USA Science and Engineering Festival to be held in Washington, DC, April 25-27, 2014. You may also wish to know that the US News STEM Solutions Conference is moving to DC in conjunction with the festival and will immediately precede the Festival.

The K12 Division will participate in two aspects of the Festival at no cost to you other than your own travel and lodging:
1) The division will host a booth in the exhibit hall Friday, April 25, through Sunday, April 27, 2014. The exhibit days and times will be divided amongst interested K12 division members to showcase their K12 engineering work. It is critical that all participants understand that you MUST have hands-on activities for students and families to complete while they visit the booth. Talking with people alone will not be permitted. Also, the crowds can be very large; one of our division members estimates that she saw 5000 people over the course of last year’s Expo (that’s about 300 people/hr). You MUST keep 2-3 people in your booth at all times, per expo rules (and for sanity).

2) The division will host professional development workshops on Saturday, April 26, 2014. We will have four PD workshops that will run from 8:30-3:30. During that time, we will host four separate workshops: elementary teachers, middle school teachers, high school teachers and one for parents, counselors, and K12 administrators. In each workshop, three different ASEE K12 Division members will have the opportunity to provide a 1.5 hour PD for a group of teachers (30-70; size TBD).

This survey ( will allow the division organizers (Laura Bottomley and Stacy Klein-Gardner) to assess the division’s interest in participation and eventually to assign people to different time slots for both the Expo and the Workshops.  Please be sure to complete this survey no later than October 17, 2013.

To book your hotel room with an official Festival block, click here:

If you have questions about the events themselves, please explore the Festival’s website:
If you have questions about the division’s activities, please contact us at or


Again this year, ASEE will be providing the sessions for the engineering day to be hosted at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Regional Conferences.   If you are already attending one of these conferences or have teachers or colleagues who are, please encourage them to stop by one or more of our sessions.  If you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time!  Each day will be anchored with an opening session focusing on the ASEE K12 division that will also include a hands-on, classroom-ready engineering design activity.  Additional sessions will include an Engineering is Elementary session and other hands-on sessions offered by engineering educators in that area.

Portland, Oregon – October 24-26, 2013 – Engineering Day:  October 24
Charlotte, North Carolina – November 7-9, 2013 – Engineering Day: November 8
Denver, Colorado – December 12-14, 2013 – Engineering Day: December 13


Call for Proposals: Best Practices in K-12 and University Partnerships Panel

The K-12 and Precollege Division of ASEE intends to recognize exemplary K-12 – university partnerships in engineering education at the 2014 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition in Indianapolis, Indiana. To do this, the division will sponsor a panel session on Best Practices in K-12 and university partnerships. Submissions chosen for participation in this session will demonstrate a true partnership between a K-12 school (or schools) and an engineering or engineering education school/college at a university. The deadline for submission is Monday, January 13, 2014.

Selected partnerships will have data to support proven success in the classroom and will demonstrate engineering engagement and knowledge acquisition by K-12 students through age appropriate activities and lessons. Best Practices Partnership Panel submissions authored collaboratively between engineering and technology education faculty and K-12 teachers are encouraged. Details on the partnership’s structure and goals, the strategies employed to overcome challenges and obstacles, and successes and lessons learned must be included.

One proposal winner will be chosen at each of the following levels: pre-school or elementary school; middle school; high school. The three winning abstracts will be used to create a conference paper for this session. The winning K-12 teachers will each be given a 15-minute time slot to present her/his work to the conference session attendees. The presentations will be followed by a 30-minute panel discussion. In order to offset the costs of attendance, the winning K-12 teachers will have their conference registration and publication fees paid for by the K-12 Division and will receive a travel stipend.

Please contact K-12 and Precollege Division Program Chair Elect, Dr. Merredith Portsmore ( for additional information.

NOTE: Your submission should be e-mailed directly to Merredith Portsmore and not submitted via the ASEE website (monolith).

REVIEWERS NEEDED: Best Practices in K-12 and University Partnerships Panel

Reviewers are needed for the Best Practices Submissions! If you are willing to review contact Merredith Portsmore ( The review process will take place between January 15th and February 5th, 2014. The process involves reading submissions and rating them on a one-page, provided rubric.



The ASEE K-12 division invites pre–conference workshop proposals for the upcoming 2014 Annual Conference in Indianapolis, IN. Pre-conference workshops offer ASEE members opportunities to explore particular issues in greater depth in interactive settings. The workshop facilitators are expected to structure the agenda and facilitate interaction. Workshops can be structured in the form of mini-courses focusing on particular research methodologies or in other forms that provide collaborative knowledge creation and learning experiences for the participants. All workshops should support the advancement of engineering in K-12.

Guidelines for Proposals

The proposals should include the following information and should be max 4 pages (not including the support letter):

·         Workshop Title: Please provide a descriptive title

  • Contact Information: Name, affiliation, phone, and email for all facilitators
  • Abstract (300 words or less):

o   A short description of the nature of the activities as well as the skills, knowledge, networking, etc. that the participants would gain by attending the workshop

o   Please also list the materials or artifacts, if any, participants will take away from the workshop.

  • Description
    • Justification for the importance of the proposed workshop

o   Short description of relevant areas of expertise for each workshop facilitator

    • A brief review of literature relevant to the workshop topic.
    • Session agenda (description of topics and approximate time allotted for each)
    • A plan for evaluating the workshop outcomes
  • Audience: Description of the anticipated audience and estimated number of participants
  • Logistics:
    • Description of logistical needs: table set (standard is classroom style – rows of tables with chairs), audio-visual needs, internet, food and beverage (if desired).
    • Please state your preference for morning, afternoon, or all-day time slots.
  • Fees: Requested fee for participants
    • Be aware that ASEE charges workshop sponsors a base fee for scheduling and the room of $150. Adding in basic audio-visual set-ups incur additional fees. These vary by venue, but generally are in the $250-$400 range. Other additional fees will be incurred if requesting: internet, food and beverage, different table set-ups, etc. See “Financial Terms, Equipment, and Materials” below for more details.
    • Thus, if you expect 20 people, you will want to charge at least $25 per person, unless you have a budget to pay the base fee. You may opt to pay the expected fees outright and offer a no-cost workshop. Likewise, you may charge a nominal fee and agree to make up the difference in cost.
    • You may also charge more per person if needed to cover your expenses for materials. Keep in mind that high fees will limit attendance.
  • References

·         Supplemental Document (if applicable): A letter of support from the individual or organization that will take responsibility for the workshop fees if not completely covered by attendees should be submitted along with the proposal. This letter should include contact information for the person with authority to commit funding.

Please note that you may request sponsorship/financial support from the K-12 Division to meet the fee requirements. Exceptional workshops that directly align with the K-12 division mission and meet the needs and community development goals of the division will be eligible for consideration.

Review Process and Criteria

Review of proposals and selection of workshops will be conducted by the members of the pre-conference workshop review committee within the ASEE K-12 Division. Committee members will review proposals based on the following criteria:

·         Focus & Importance: Degree to which the workshop focuses on issues related to the advancement of engineering education research and practice in K-12 and the degree to which the workshop content addresses an issue that is of systemic importance to our field.

·         Literature Base & Expertise of Workshop facilitators: Degree to which the workshop content is well grounded in research literature relevant to engineering education. Degree to which facilitators have expertise in the proposed topic.

·         Interest & Engagement: Degree to which the workshop topic would be of interest to ASEE members in general, in addition to K-12 Division members. Degree to which the workshop delivery will enable full engagement and fruitful outcomes for workshop participants.

 Important Dates

·         All proposals must be submitted in a single .pdf document via email to the K-12 Division pre-conference workshop committee chair, Şenay Purzer ( no later than October 6, 2013.

o   The division committee will review proposals and forward those to the PIC chairs that meet our criteria and represent the interests of the division.

·         All applications are subject to review by the PIC Chairs in November 2013. ASEE will notify organizers whether their workshop has been accepted or rejected by November 22, 2013.

·         All workshops will take place on Sunday, June 15th at the Indiana Convention Center. Dates and Times are not flexible. Options are:

o   Half-day Morning 9:00AM-12:00PM

o   Half-day Afternoon 1:00PM-4:00PM

o   Full-day 9:00AM-4:00PM

·         No changes or additional requests of any type will be accepted after April 5, 2014. This includes, but is not limited to: time, location, title, description, a/v, food and beverage, etc.

·         You will have until April 27, 2014 to cancel this event due to lack of subscription. After April 27, 2014 the workshop is confirmed and any revenue shortfall will be the responsibility of the workshop organizer.

Financial Terms, Equipment, and Materials

·         All workshops must be self sustaining financially, that includes, all materials, food and beverage, internet and a/v.

·         Workshops must be subsidized either through ticket revenue, sponsorship or other means. These means must be clearly identified during the application process.

·         All workshops will be ticketed through ASEE to track attendance. If your workshop is sponsored or will be subsidized by other means, assign a $0 ticket value. Ticketed information including title, description, location and amount is due with Application.

·         ASEE assesses a workshop fee of $150 per session. This fee is applied to all onsite and offsite workshops and is non-refundable

·         All workshop requirements, complete speakers names, F&B requests, a/v requests etc, must be included with the application or the Workshop will not be submitted.

·         All workshops will be set classroom style, (rows of 8’ tables with 3 chairs each). Special sets will require a $500 fee.

·         A/V, Internet and F&B are NOT provided for the Sunday workshops and are an additional cost.

·         Laptop computers are NOT provided for the Sunday workshops and are the responsibility of the presenter.

·         Handouts are the responsibility of the presenter. ASEE does not create, reproduce or distribute handouts. – See more at:



The K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division invites submissions for the 2014 ASEE Annual Conference to be held June 15 – 18, 2014 in Indianapolis, IN. The Division provides a rich and vibrant forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences in the K-12 precollege engineering and technology education arena.

Abstract submission will be open from September 9, 2013 – October 20, 2013.

Papers should be submitted to these three main categories:

1. Research-to-practice studies

Research-to-practice studies are assessed/evaluated outreach and education initiatives; therefore, we expect that these papers will present robust data and evaluation. Because of the recently released Next Generation Science Standards, we are seeking papers that will offer practical supports to classroom teachers and are particularly interested in work that falls into the following four strands:

·         Addressing the NGSS: Supporting K-12 Teachers in Engineering Pedagogy and Engineering-Science Connections

·         Engineering across the K-12 curriculum: Integration with the Arts, Social Studies, Science, and the Common Core

·         Principles of K-12 Engineering Education and Practice

·         K-12 Engineering Resources: Best Practices in Curriculum Design

(NOTE: This strand is not the Best Practices Panel focusing on university and K-12 partnerships. A separate call for these abstracts will be issued later in the year.)

Research papers focusing on other topics such as pre-service teacher preparation, K-12 out-of-school-time programs and curriculum, partnerships, etc. are also welcome.

Accepted papers in this category will either be presented as an oral presentation and discussion during a themed session OR as a poster during a 90-minute poster session.

2. Curriculum Exchange

Resources presented in the Curriculum Exchange should be lesson and activity examples that show how you incorporate engineering into the K-12 curriculum. These resources will be presented in a round table format.

Abstract submissions to the Curriculum Exchange should include a brief description of your program and the resources that you will be demonstrating at your station. If your abstract is accepted, a one-page handout to be distributed at the exchange should be submitted in lieu of a paper. This hand out should summarize the curriculum, the target grade level(s), and your contact information.

3. Works in Progress

Work in Progress should describe an innovative study or program for which only preliminary data and results are available. These papers will be presented at the conference during a 90-minute poster session.

4. Other


·         A separate call will be issued later in the year for the Saturday K-12 Workshop and Best Practices Panel.

·         If you submit an abstract, you will also be asked to review at least one abstract (and paper).

Preparing Your Abstract: A Checklist

Please remember the following points when preparing your abstract:

o    Category:
In parentheses, indicate the category in which your submission falls in the abstract’s title.

Ex: Long-Term Impact of Attending Engineers-In-Training (research to practice)

o    Length:

Abstracts should be 250 – 500 words long.

o    Content:

Unless you are submitting an abstract to the Curriculum Exchange, abstracts should provide sufficient description of the research question, program details, observations, and (preliminary) results.

Abstract submissions to the Curriculum Exchange should include a brief description of your program and the resources that you will be demonstrating at your station.

o    Format:

PLEASE refer to the Author’s Kit for guidance on formatting your abstract.

(As of August 2013, the Author’s Kit for ASEE 2014 is not yet on-line. If you would like to use the ASEE 2013 Author’s Kit for guidance, go to: events/conferences/annualconference/2013/program-schedule/call-for-papers.)

Do not use formats from other conferences, such as AERA and FIE

o    Blind review:

Reviewers must be able to conduct a blind review of your abstract and paper.

o    Please use a pseudonym or placeholder for institutional, department, and other identifying names. (Ex: University of _____)

o    Anonymize references (Ex: author ASEE 2008 paper)

o    Do not use identifying information, such as last names, in the file name (Ex: ASEE13_K12abstract.pdf)

For More Information:

To help place your research and experiences in context, we encourage you to review past proceedings and other literature sources to identify previous work done in your area. By reviewing these other papers, you may also find information and instruments that may be helpful in conducting and assessing your work.

Additional information on the Division’s plan for ASEE 2014 and how you can participate as author, reviewer, and/or moderator will be communicated through the Division Chair’s regular reports, updates from the Program Committee, and on the Division’s website at

Please contact the Division’s Program Chair, Sharlene Yang, if you have any questions or require more information. We look forward to your submission(s)!


JOB Posting at CU Boulder: Assistant Dean for Inclusive Excellence

The Assistant Dean for Inclusive Excellence in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Colorado Boulder provides vision and leadership for the recruitment, retention and success of outstanding and diverse students, faculty and staff. The position leads the Broadening Opportunity through Leadership and Diversity (BOLD) Center, including initiatives to build the pipeline of students with interest and preparation for engineering study and careers, and initiatives to improve student performance and graduation rates. The Assistant Dean for Inclusive Excellence is a member of the College’s senior leadership team, as a participant in the Dean’s Cabinet and the Administrative Council. The incumbent works closely with the Dean, the Associate Dean for Education, the Associate Dean for Research, and other college leaders to promote college excellence and inclusion at all levels.

Please refer to the following link for more information on this job and deadlines for application:


TCNJ K-12 Technology & Engineering Education Faculty Opening (Tenure Track):

The Department of Technological Studies in the School of Engineering at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)  invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position starting September 2014.

The Department of Technological Studies has created a series of STEM focused K-12 education majors. Started in 1998, the largest elementary education major on campus is our integrative-STEM (iSTEM) dual major that produces a large number of integrative-STEM literate K-5 and middle school teachers. In addition, the department was one of the first programs in the country to create a secondary technology education K-12 program with an engineering emphasis. The department is taking leadership in K-12 STEM education and is establishing a national dialog between engineering and education. Our vision is to graduate the next generation of educational leaders with both pedagogical and STEM content knowledge, as well as the capabilities necessary to create technologically and engineering literate (“STEM-literate”) children.

An earned doctorate in Technology/Pre-college Engineering Education, Engineering Education, Engineering, or a closely related field is required. ABD candidates will need to finish their degree before starting employment. Each successful candidate must present evidence of capabilities in all of the following areas: K-12 STEM education with a substantial emphasis on technology and engineering education (with substantial direct experiences with K-12 students preferred), undergraduate teaching, curriculum and laboratory development, evidence of sustained STEM-education focused research, directing student design projects, involving undergraduate students in research, and potential for national leadership in the field.  Applications are being accepted electronically.  For more details see: Positions


Tenure Track faculty openings (2 positions), Engineering Education, Virginia Tech

The Department of Engineering Education (EngE) at Virginia Tech invites applications for two faculty positions and welcomes applicants across ranks. Candidates must hold a doctorate in engineering education, engineering, education, or a related field; at least one degree (BS, MS, PhD) in engineering is desirable. Successful candidates will demonstrate the ability to conduct basic or applied research in engineering education as well as a strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching. We welcome applicants with expertise across a wide range of engineering education areas and methods, including, but not limited to, quantitative research methodologies, learning analytics, technology in education, innovation and the learning sciences. Experience in industry is also welcome.

EngE ( is home to an outstanding first-year engineering program and a premier PhD program in engineering education. The department has a total of 16 full-time, tenured or tenure-track faculty members and instructors; it serves approximately 2200 general engineering students and 25-30 PhD students annually. EngE faculty collaborate nationally and internationally in establishing engineering education as an emerging field of research. Current faculty research areas include engineering design, first-year programming, assessment, communication in engineering, international collaboration (global teams), computer supported learning systems, sustainability, and motivation.

Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering (CoE) is internationally recognized for its excellence in 14 engineering disciplines and computer science. As the nation’s third largest producer of engineers with baccalaureate degrees, CoE provides undergraduates with an innovative curriculum that provides a hands-on, minds-on approach to engineering education. With more than 50 research centers and numerous laboratories, the college offers its 2,000 graduate students opportunities in advanced fields of study, including biomedical engineering, state-of-the-art microelectronics, and nanotechnology.

Established in 1872 as a land-grant college, Virginia Tech is a comprehensive research university with almost $450 million per year in research, and with more than 30,000 students. The 120-acre VT Corporate Research Center is home to over 150 companies and the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine. Also, Virginia Tech has created a public-private partnership in the form of a new medical school and research institute, the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute.

Virginia Tech has a strong commitment to the principles of diversity, inclusion, and to maintaining a work and learning environment that is free of all forms of discrimination. It is the recipient of a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Award to increase the participation of women in academic science and engineering careers. Virginia Tech is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Institution.

Applications must be submitted online to (posting number TR0130102). Review of applications will begin November 30, 2013. Applications should include: (i) a curriculum vitae, (ii) a 2 page research statement describing current research and future plans, (iii) a 2 page teaching statement, and (iv) names and contact information for three references. Details on how to prepare and submit all materials can found under “Posting Details” for this position on the website.

Inquiries about the position should be directed to:

Chair, EngE Search Committee, 660 McBryde Hall, MC 0218, Blacksburg, VA 24061


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