Thoughts from the Chair

This year our division will not be holding the K-12 Teacher Workshop on the Saturday prior to the annual conference. During the one year hiatus, a division sub-committee is actively working to determine what the best format is for the future offerings of this important event. We do plan to hold it again, starting with the 2019 annual conference in Tampa. Questions about this can be directed to Bradley Bowen, chair elect.

2018 ASEE Annual Conference – Author Deadline Feb 5th

Get that writing done and your drafts submitted!! As you work on writing your paper drafts it is critical to remember that at this point your papers need to remain “blind” for the reviewing.

Monday February 5th – Hard deadline for authors to submit your draft papers. 

PCEE Division Executive Committee Nominations – Due by February 1st

Our PCEE Division is one of the most active and vibrant in ASEE! Please consider joining the leadership team of this important effort by nominating yourself or a willing colleague! We are currently seeking nominations for:

  • Secretary/Treasurer (2-year term)
  • Program Chair Elect (1-year term, followed by a year as Program Chair and then a third year as Past Program Chair)
  • P12 Representative (P-5) (1-year term)
  • P12 Representative (6-12) (1-year term)
  • P12 Representative (Other) (1-year term)
  • Two Members at Large

Nominations are due by Thursday, February 1, 2018!

Click here for the Nomination form.  It only takes a minute to complete. Curious about the position descriptions? See section VII of our bylaws for the descriptions.

Questions? Please contact Pamela Lottero-Perdue, Nominating Committee Chair, at

Opportunities & Information

Share your strategies for teaching engineering to students with special needs

As part of your STEM curriculum, do you teach engineering to students with special needs? If so, what strategies do you use? What challenges do you face (such as safety issues and forming teams for projects), and how do you deal with them? How do you encourage persistence, communication, creativity, and collaboration among students with special needs? If you would like to share your knowledge and advice in a future NSTA Reports article, please e-mail Debra Shapiro, Associate Editor, NSTA Reports, National Science Teachers Association.

IEEE’s Transactions on Education – Seeking reviewers for K-12 oriented papers

The well respected IEEE’s Transactions on Education journal predominately has resources that are focused on HigherEd. However, the Associate Editors are currently receiving many submissions related to research in K-12 on topics such as electronics, computer engineering, computational thinking, and coding research. It has been a consistent problem to find people to review these K-12 oriented submissions.
If you are interested in helping with the review of K-12 oriented papers please reach out to the Associate Editors (who are also active members of the PCEE division) Laura Bottomley and Steve O’Brien.

Journal of STEM Outreach – Now Live

The first issue of the Journal of STEM Outreach ( is now live!! Check it out and consider submitting a manuscript for the second issue that will be available on April 15 (manuscripts due no later than March 1).

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