Thoughts from the Chair
Please vote in our elections process for our PCEE Executive Board!! Our board provides essential leadership and energy to run the division. Please click on the following link to see the bios of our slate of outstanding candidates: They are running for the following positions: Secretary/Treasurer; Program Chair Elect; P-12 Representatives for K-5, 6-12, and “K-12 Other;” and two Members at Large.
Click on the following link to get to the ballot: Thanks in advance to all who vote, and THANK YOU to those who are running!
Voting is open until March 2, 2018, but don’t delay. Get your vote in now!!
2018 ASEE Annual Conference in Salt Lake City
Thank you to everyone who submitted a Conference Paper! The Conference Papers demonstrate that the PCEE Division has a robust and diverse research agenda.
This is a gentle reminder that the paper reviewer deadline is February 26th. It is critical that you complete your review on time for papers to advance to the conference.
Opportunities & Information
Share your strategies for teaching engineering to students with special needs
As part of your STEM curriculum, do you teach engineering to students with special needs? If so, what strategies do you use? What challenges do you face (such as safety issues and forming teams for projects), and how do you deal with them? How do you encourage persistence, communication, creativity, and collaboration among students with special needs? If you would like to share your knowledge and advice in a future NSTA Reports article, please e-mail Debra Shapiro, Associate Editor, NSTA Reports, National Science Teachers Association.
IEEE’s Transactions on Education – Seeking reviewers for K-12 oriented papers
Journal of STEM Outreach – Now Live
The first issue of the Journal of STEM Outreach ( is now live!! Check it out and consider submitting a manuscript for the second issue that will be available on April 15 (manuscripts due no later than March 1).