Thoughts from the Chair
Summer is winding down and the start of the school year is upon us. It is my hope that you fully read this newsletter and get engaged with the things that our division is working on this year. Feel free to reach out directly to me with any questions or thoughts about the PCEE Division.
~ Martha
PCEE Division Focus Areas for the Year
Thank you to all who were able to attend our annual business meeting at the conference in Salt Lake City. Along with reviewing all of the Division’s activities over the past year, I also outlined the following things that I plan to have the Division focus on for the coming year.
- Updating the Bylaws: The Executive Committee will be reviewing the bylaws to determine if it is critical to have a Chair hold a 2 year role, now that the division is established and stable. This is also a potential detriment to Chair candidates who have to commit for a 6 year obligation. With the bylaws under review, if there are any other items in the bylaws that you as a member wants changed/addressed, send that information to me ( by September 14th, and the Executive Committee will consider it. Our bylaws can be found here.
- Awards: There are many ASEE National Awards that do not receive nominations. Our Awards Committee will be addressing this and gathering nominations for these awards to recognize our members who are doing great work in these areas.
- Diversifying the candidate slate for Executive Committee positions: We will work with the Diversity Committee to submit a more diverse candidate slate.
- Communicating via Social Media: We will be working with our Staying Connected/Informed Committee as they strive to keep us all connected throughout the year
Help Our Division – Join a Committee!
Our division has a wide variety of committees that support our mission. The committee work is a fun way to get to know more of the PCEE members and help the division accomplish great things. Check out all of the options and send me ( a message if you’d like to join a committee.
Awards – help identify potential PCEE Division award recipients and review nominations
Distinguished Lecturer – help identify potential presenters to speak as the distinguished lecturer at the annual conference
Diversity – promote and share best practices for increasing and supporting diversity throughout the year
Teacher Grant Program – assist the division with finalizing work that will provide grants to PreK-12 teachers to do engineering in their classrooms.
Program Committee – help the Program Chair with the division’s sessions in preparation for the annual conference
Staying Connected/Informed – taking the social media platforms that the division will use to the next level
Sunday Workshops – help to identify which workshops should run on the day prior to the annual conference
Call for Papers and Presentations
Journal of STEM Outreach
Is now accepting manuscripts for publication in the J STEM Outreach on a rolling basis. It is a good place to submit and share the great work that you are doing!!
Submissions are done through their website
Get Involved!
We invite you to join us in our efforts to ensure that every child engages in high-quality pre-college engineering education facilitated by effective educators.
Contribute to the Newsletter
This newsletter is for you! If you are interested in sharing brief items that would benefit our community, please let us know.
Show off your PCEE Style
Order t-shirts, totes, mugs, thermoses, bags, buttons and more! Proceeds go to support scholarships to the annual conference.