
ASEE Pre-College Engineering Education Division

Tuesday June 26, 2018 5-6 pm


Start time: 5:00 pm

Welcome & Brief Introductions (Martha)

  • Martha Cyr did introductions
  • Great turnout at the meeting
  • In attendance: ~ 45 attendees

Recognition of 2018-2019 Division Executive Board Members

Membership numbers are dropping

  • But ASEE membership overall is dropping
  • Comparison is presented in handout
  • We have hit 6% of ASEE in 2017 and 2018

Executive Board Members: Martha has one more year as division chair

Announcement for Distinguished Lecture

  • Lisa Fain’s talk will be interactive
  • “Cultural Competency in Mentoring – Strategies for Connecting across Difference” Wed 9:45 am in room 155 A

ASEE 2018 Conference Highlights

Recognition of PCEE Division Best Papers

Awards presented by Deborah Besser and Martha Cyr

Best Paper Award

2nd place (honorable mention)  – The Effect of Teachers’ Professional Development on Implementing Engineering in Elementary Schools.  Teresa Porter (Ohio State University), Meg E. West (Ohio State University), Dr. Rachel Louis Kajfez (Ohio State University), Dr. Kathy Lea Malone (Nazarbayev University), and Dr. Karen E. Irving (Ohio State University)

1st place – Do after school robotics programs expand the pipeline into STEM majors in College – Dr. Cathy Burack (Brandeis University), Mr. Alan Melchior (Brandeis University), and Matthew Hoover (Brandeis University)

Best Diversity Paper:

1st place –  Argument driven engineering in middle school science classrooms: The study of engineering attitudes and efforts to broaden engineering attitudes and efforts to broaden engineering participation by exposing all students to multiple engineering design tasks.

Mr. Lawrence Chu (University of Texas at Austin), Dr. Victor Sampson (University of Texas at Austin), Dr. Todd L. Hutner (University of Texas at Austin), Dr. Stephanie Rivale (University of Texas at Austin), Dr. Richard H. Crawford (University of Texas at Austin), Ms. Christina L. Baze (University of Texas at Austin), and Hannah Smith Brooks (University of Texas at Austin)

1 out of 58 papers

Treasurer’s report – Martha Cyr

  • Commitment to spending money that support our division’s mission
  • We spent $4,552.13 on fiscal initiatives
  • $1,695.10 in total operational expenses
  • $2,343.09 was brought in and we have an $18,792.04 balance left over
  • ASEE wants us to spend money down over a few years, ~ $4-5k per year

PreK-12 Teacher Workshop for 2019 – Bradley Bowen

  • This year we had no Saturday workshop, – ASEE traditionally has paid for that workshop and they were losing money with the current model.
  • ASEE wants a different funding model and the division has to figure out what that is
  • Division decided to take one year off and focus on the 2019 workshop and making it fiscally responsible
  • ASEE will support workshop during regular conference time
  • Need to provide an estimate of how much it would cost ASEE for the future
  • Not sure yet if the 2019 workshop will be offered. The division goal is to move forward with the planning
  • Committee on the workshop has determined
    • It’s not going to be on Saturday
    • Monday/Tuesday (potentially)
    • We can leverage the food costs with ASEE if it’s offered during the week
    • Need information from ASEE on how much would extra rooms cost and other details.
    • Lots of contacts in Tampa area, which means lots of teachers that we can contact
    • By August we will know
  • Questions or Comments from the audience:
    • Registration rate should be reasonable for teachers
    • Looking at past participation (last year ~150 people) the majority of these were not teachers. So we are studying what’s going on there
    • Comment: Austin, TX had the most attendees in the past (that year it was ~ twice of what was expected) à due to heavy advertisement in the school district
  • Paying for the Workshop Could be a fiscal initiative

Divisional Initiatives

  • NSTA regional conference (ASEE has partnership with NSTA)
    • ASEE has a room reserved for one day to present about engineering
    • We want more teachers to present (not as heavy on the faculty) to make it more authentic (Travel, registration)
  • Inclusive Media Challenge:
    • no nominations this year
    • would like to continue but need to reimagine it
  • New Teacher Grant Program – extra cash for teachers
    • Proposed $500 to buy materials, go to a workshop, PD…whatever they need to implement engineering in their class
    • Has to go through ASEE HQ Awards Committee to see if they can be awarded cash
  • New Banners – with help from Meagan Pollock in the design
  • Open to new suggestions for initiatives

Who do we contact for new ideas?  Send email to Martha Cyr then committee will discuss

Division Awards

  • Recognition for amazing contributions
  • Lifetime Achievement – Laura Bottomly
    • Only 29 years old
  • Meritorious Service – Pam Lottero-Perdue
  • ASEE Fellow – Stacy Klein-Gardner
  • Larry is retiring, thank you for all your service to the division

PIC IV Chair Report

  • Beth Holloway in as PIC IV representative since Teri Reed could not attend our division meeting
  • Announcement from the Board
    • Update on organizational finances – a few years ago ASEE was in financial trouble – board says they are out of debt. For the past FY $350,000 was put back in reserve account and 2018 should be similar.
    • 25% of operating expenses will go into reserve account –
    • Bonus: credit rating has improved, so it should be easier to borrow money at reasonable interest rates
    • At the end of the calendar year: the Treasurers should have online access to BASS accounts
    • 3,000 pre-registrations….+ walk ins
    • Last year there were 3,5000 attendees
    • Registrations were down a little this year
    • Code of Conduct has been developed for ASEE meetings, based on the American Physical Society
    • Ethics committee is being formed
    • The PICs have bylaws, they need to be updated by the PIC chairs which are approved by the division members
    • Awards nominations:
      • Society wide awards were significantly down
      • If you know some awesome people, please nominate them
    • Program chairs – option on Monolith to add a second person to have program chair access (share work)

Questions for Beth and feedback:

  • Code of Conduct and ethics committee- is the ASEE board looking at the Sexual Harassment report of from the National Academies?
  • We have too many things called distinguished lectures and they should be spread out over more than one day. Panels, workshops, are not distinguished lectures
  • It was nice to have the workshops back on Sunday…there was a lot but they were at the same time. Even if the workshops were occurring at the same time as the technical choice it would not be bad to have the option.
  • Scheduling of the business meetings at the same time? = bad
  • Love the Diversity and P-12 booth together with the couches

Items from the floor:

  • K-12 workshop event at a sectional meeting, hosted on campus, cheap…as a section it depends on the local members. Have any sections in PCEE done a K-12 level workshop? Can we discuss best practices for local K-12 workshops?
  • Consensus report from National Academy of engineering – building capacity in Pre-College space – useful ideas
    • Report should be coming out next year
  • AEEE- received divisional money, first year report is coming out and will be available. Will continue on third year – focus on teacher engineering pedagogy

The Year Ahead


  1. Martha proposes that the chairs not have a 6 year commitment. Too much to lead the group.  It was important early in the division history. Now that we are stable, I propose to rewrite bylaws 1 year chair elect, 1 year chair, 1 year past chair.
    1. From the floor: Can the chair be reelected? Is one year enough time?
      1. Discussion for bylaws rewrite
      2. Executive committee will bring it to ASEE
  • If any member wants to change bylaws, then now is the time to read over the bylaws and submit changes in writing, so the committee can discuss
  1. K-12 representative nominations have gone up (question about past changes to elections)
  1. Awards
    1. Members should get recognized for great work they are doing even on the national level
    2. Awards committee need nominations from members
  2. Diversity Committee
    1. Work with past chair to submit a more diverse candidate slate. Change the face of the executive committee
  3. Social Media
    1. Poll was sent out last year and going forward: using Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
    2. Have a team effectively use these means to be the person to post and share events or issues that are happening. so we all stay aware of what’s going on
    3. We call it: “Staying Connected/Informed” Committee
  4. Webmaster
    1. Meagan did it for three years – moving on to diversity committee as a representative
    2. Meagan will still help
    3. Need a new nomination

2018-2019 Committee break-outs

  • Staying connected/informed
  • Diversity committee
  • Teacher grant committee
  • Division Awards committee
  • 2019 program committee
  • Distinguished lectures
  • Pre-K-12 workshop
  • Great Sunday workshops

Affinity Groups:

  • STEM Summer camp group – best practices and share knowledge – Meagan Pollock
  • Regional K-12 workshop groups –
  • Students?
  • Anti-competition models of engagement
  • Computational thinking
  • Problem framing in high school
  • Engineering mentorship for high school and middle school
  • Better presentation skills – public speaking
  • Communicating to moderators of some standards on moderating
  • Help for authors what a quality presentation looks like


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