The K-12 division is going green! Instead of printing hundreds of pages of minutes for review during the business meeting, we are posting them here for your review.
ASEE 2011
K-12 Engineering Division Business Meeting
Sunday, 26 June 2011
2:30-4:00 p.m.
Vancouver Convention Center, Room 110
- Call to order. Mindy Zarske, K-12 chair
Introductions of 22 members present
2010 Business meeting minutes approved by group
Officer reports
1. Chair Report – Mindy Zarske
a. Presentation of new officers
- Chair-Elect – Stacy Klein-Gardner
- Program Chair-Elect – Susan Donahue
- K-12 Representative – Susan Pruet
- Members-at-Large – Martha Cyr (term expires 2013), Tamara Moore (term expires 2013), and Monica Cardella (term expires 2012)
- Division Publications Editor – Susan Walden
The following individuals continue or move into their new positions
- Past Chair – Malinda Schaefer Zarske
- Chair – Liz Parry
- Program Chair – Laura Bottomley
- Secretary/Treasurer – Paul Klenk
- Members-at-Large – Christina Schnittka (term expires 2012)
b. Updated numbers as of June 2011
724 paying members;
11th largest division out of 50 divisions
The Division has the 6th highest percentage of women (40%)
2. PIC IV Chair – Bevlee Watford
a. 13063 total members in ASEE
b. Invited feedback on the Monolith system to her at:
c. Best Paper process changes
i. Can nominate up to 10%
ii. Can only send one forward as best paper
iii. Rubric on-line is coming for judging
d. New criteria for panel sessions, workshops, and distinguished speakers coming
e. Encourage K-12 division to nominate distinguished speakers, especially if we co-sponsor
f. $3000 offered to divisions for special projects; matching funds required unless division has no money
g. May do Works-In-Process (WIPs) may be added next year – 1 session per every 3 technical sessions
h. 5 PIC best papers will be showcased in distinguished lecture next year
i. She is looking for an assistant PIC chair; contact her by email if interested
j. K-12 should reschedule its business meeting
k. New officer training 8:45 room 224 on Wednesday
l. Division chair, Program Chair, and PIC chair can now send out to division email list serve
3. Secretary/Treasurer – Mindy (for Paul)
a. Finances are good
i. $15000 in BASS account
ii. Some money was spent on Best Practices Panel and the joint social session
iii. We get about $700 per year from membership dues
4. Program Chair for ASEE 2011 – Susan Walden
a. Update on this year’s program, stats
i. 220 abstracts were submitted this year for the Annual Conference (Up from 189 last year), including 16 transfers from other divisions
ii. Each draft paper submission received three independent blind reviews; 124 reviewers from the division
iii. 204 abstracts were accepted; 153 draft papers were submitted (75% submitted papers); and 131 final papers were put forward (65% final papers, up from 93 in 2010)
iv. 26 technical sessions (up from 21 last year)
b. Curricula exchange and assessment panels – Susan
c. Best Practices in Partnerships panel – Mercedes
i. 12 total applications
ii. Winners at each band
Elementary – Colorado School of Mines with Hodgkins Elementary School
Middle – Hofstra University with Riverhead Middle
High – Rice University with Steve Austin High School
iii. Teachers of each partnership will present during panel
d. Update and call for proposals
5. Report from 8th Annual ASEE K-12 Center Workshop – Liz Parry
a. 230 attendees – 140 listed as K-12 teachers
b. Very well attended sessions
c. Workshop has been vehicle to get classroom teachers involved
d. Do we need to change our audience to more decision-making level?
6. Next steps on Recommendation 4 NAE Report meetings – Liz Parry
a. Focused on elementary education in Raleigh in May 2010
b. Follow up meeting to be held in November 2011
i. Focus on teacher training – pre/in-service
ii. Move ball forward into MS and follow up on ES
7. MOU with PURDUE in place – Mindy Zarske
a. Inspire group had JPEER first release that focuses on P-12 engineering ed research
b. Best Paper author is invited to submit their paper to JPEER
c. Links between our two websites
d. Approved by ASEE HQ and is official
8. Member Survey results overview – Mindy Zarske
a. 15 questions on top research priorities, desired directions for division, demographics
b. 9% industry, 24% K12 admin and teachers, 85% university
c. 93 respondents
d. Greatest challenge to K12 eng ed – lack of teacher preparation, defining eng, space in curriculum
e. Top research priorities in K12 eng ed – assessment, integrating STEM, engaging students
f. 5 skills most important for K12 students – problem solving, design under constraints, applying eng design loop
9. Strategic Direction and branding – Liz Parry
a. Collaboration with NSTA – Mindy will head
i. Time at annual conferences for each other group
ii. MOU expires in December
iii. Next generation of science standards will have engineering design
iv. Hope for more substantive new version of MOU
b. Goal for next 2 years – Center of Competency for K12 Engineering Education
i. Develop more productive collaborations with other organizations
c. Developing division master calendar
d. Create other methods of communication with membership
e. K12 workshop going on same cycle as full ASEE submissions
f. May have opportunities for K12 work at ASEE Regional conferences
Committee reports
10. Nominating Committee –Mindy Zarske
a. A great slate of candidates this year; we had 79 people vote in the election; any suggestions for improved voting next year?
i. Move election process earlier in year before end of early-registration
ii. Add more types of info to candidates profile
11. Awards Committee –Larry Richards
a. Fellows for 2011: Larry Richards and Jackie Sullivan
b. Best Paper: Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue; 628: “Classroom Teacher – Enrichment Teacher Pairs: Co-teaching as a means to implement elementary engineering education”
12. New Committees — Liz Parry
a. Policy Committee (strategic initiatives)
i. Have influence on rapidly changing policy issues
b. New Membership & Retention
i. Increase amount of participation of our members in our division’s business
c. Public relations
i. Must get word out about what we are doing
ii. Need branding, logo
13. Poll on when to hold business meeting
a. Sunday session not working due to travel
b. Monday at 4:30 just before social?
14. ASEE needs a better way for conference proceedings to be served and accessed by outside researchers
15. Come join us at the MONDAY SOCIAL!!! 6:00pm in Room 306 and is right after the Curriculum Exchange, so stop by early to check out the fun activities.