Dear Pre-College Engineering Education (PCEE) Division Members,
The ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition fast approaching. Presenters: You can go to the online session locator to check out your day/time. Please note that session titles and other information (e.g., speaker details for our “Next Steps” panel and the “Measuring Technology and Engineering Literacy” NAEP session) is being added by our tireless Program Chair, Nancy Ruzycki, and Immediate Past Program Chair, Merredith Portsmore. I’ll provide details about some special sessions this year in an upcoming newsletter. We’re in the “advance registration” period now. Click here to register.
Don’t forget to register for the ASEE K-12 Workshop, which will take place in New Orleans on Saturday, June 25th. Register now by clicking here. Thanks to Martha Cyr for her leadership and time towards preparing what will surely be an excellent workshop!
There are two repeated announcements in this newsletter, yet there is an update to one: Note that the submission deadline for the 3rd P-12 Engineering and Design Education Summit has been extended until May 15th. See announcement, below.
Finally, we’d like to welcome Lisa Jennings, the new Manager of P-12 and Global Activities at ASEE Headquarters. We look forward to working with her! She is replacing Stephanie Harrington-Hurd who has moved on at ASEE HQ as the Director of Membership Marketing. Thanks to Stephanie for her hard work in support of the division so far, and we hope to work with you on division membership in the future!
Take care,
Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Ph.D.
Chair, Pre-College Engineering Education Division
American Society for Engineering Education
Associate Professor of Science Education
Director, Integrated STEM Instructional Leadership (PreK-6) Post-Baccalaureate Program
Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences
Towson University
OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE YOUR WORK (Deadline Extended to May 15):
P-12 Engineering and Design Education Research Summit: The INSPIRE Research Institute for Pre-College Engineering would like to invite you to submit a paper to and/or participate in the 3rd P-12 Engineering and Design Education Research Summit Aug 11-13, 2016 in Chicago, IL. Please invite your friends and colleagues to do the same (see attached flyer). There is still an opportunity for groups to co-host the event and for individuals to serve on the planning committee. You do not need to submit a paper to attend. Registration for authors and other attendees is $250. Summit Website: Submit Papers:
If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Gajdzik
Help needed from PCEE division members! Are you interested in helping the ASEE Standing Board Committee on P12 Engineering Education pull off a “Focus on P12 & Pre-College Engineering Education” series of events in New Orleans? The main idea with these events is to let the ASEE community at-large know about our exciting work in pre-college engineering education, and to suggest that they, too, find ways to positively impact the P12 space. What might you do as a volunteer?
- Help us plan events;
- Help staff a special booth that we have to feature pre-college engineering near the registration desk;
- Help identify and hand out exciting “bling;” and
- Get the word out at the conference about this ASEE organization-wide effort.
If you are interested, please send your name and how you’d like to help to the Standing Board Committee on P12 Engineering Education at