Dear ASEE K12 and Precollege Engineering Division Members,

Our executive board elections and vote on a change to our by-laws will take place this month.  Nominating committee chair, Liz Parry, and I anticipate sending you information on the impressive slate of candidates we have and how to vote soon.

Registration for ASEE K12 Workshop is open.  It will be held Saturday, June 14, at the Indianapolis Convention Center.   Take advantage of discounted rates now, and please encourage K12 teachers you know to attend!  More information is below in item 1.

The ASEE Student Division is beginning a new student mentorship program.  Item 2 shares much more information about the new program and includes a link with how to sign up.  I hope that many of you will consider participating.  Our division represents atypical career paths for some engineers and our mentorship can help more students choose to do outreach, whether they do it as their career or as part of an engineering career.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly with information that should be shared with the division or if you have questions or concerns about division work.  It’s easiest to reach me by email at

All the best,


The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is holding its
11th Engineering in K-12 Classrooms – ASEE Annual Teachers Workshop:

Saturday, June 14, 2014
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana


  •  Early online registration – for attendees and presenters – opens December 6, 2013 and closes May 30, 2104.
  • After May 30, registration must be done onsite at non-discounted rate.

For additional details, please contact Stephanie Harrington-Hurd, Manager K-12 Activities, at  See more at:


My name is Eric Kjolsing and I am the current Membership chair for the ASEE Student Division (SD).  ASEE SD is initiating a mentorship program that we hope the other ASEE divisions will take part in.  We would like to pair an ASEE SD member (mentee) with a divisional ASEE members (mentor).  I am contacting you to ask that you forward this email to your divisional members.

Upon signup, the new mentor will be placed into an ASEE SD controlled database with the mentor’s relevant information (see the questions below).  When a new mentee enrolls, an ASEE SD officer will search the database for a “best-match” mentor (a mentor that best fits the mentee’s desired career path).  The potential mentor will be contacted to ensure they are still interested in participating in the program (they are always free to decline).  If they are willing to act as a mentor, ASEE SD will facilitate an introduction.

It is expected that most correspondence will be through email, although other interactions can be set up by the mentor/mentee.  Our hope is that the mentorship relationship will last at least 2 months, but it obviously is dependent on extenuating circumstances.  After 6 months, regardless of whether or not a mentor has been paired with a mentee, they will be contacted and asked if they still wish to be included in the program or wiped from the database.

For those who wish to become a mentor, please have them visit the following address:

      Please consider participating in this new program as there is a strong demand from our ASEE SD members.  For more information about the program, please email me at:  For more information about ASEE SD, please visit:


Eric Kjolsing, PE, MBA

ASEE SD Membership Chair

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