JULY 15, 2015
Dear ASEE K12 and Precollege Engineering Division Members,
I hope that you are having an enjoyable and productive summer thus far! First, I have some news to share regarding our division. I am proud to report that we have been recognized as one of six divisions within ASEEfor making a strong commitment to diversity. Thanks, especially, to Morgan Hynes for leading our diversity efforts. Our new bylaws have been approved, and a full list of our new officers can be found here. Shortly, our latest annual report will be posted on our division website (in the About section); this website will be updated and revised throughout the upcoming academic year.
I also have a few announcements from other organizations to pass on to you in this mid-summer newsletter regarding: an upcoming conference, an online graduate program for teachers, and open positions at Campbell University. This information follows my signature.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me about the division or your interest to post in upcoming newsletters.
Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Ph.D.
Upcoming Conference:
2015 UCLA/CRESST Conference. August 19-20. Do. Or do not. There is no try: Making Games and Technology Work for Learning, Assessment, and Instruction. This year’s conference brings together world experts to share the latest R&D in learning games, technology, and assessment. http://www.cse.ucla.edu/
Graduate Program for K12 Teachers:
New Online Engineering Education Certificate Program for K-12 Teachers at the Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO). Graduate-level; 100% online and asynchronous; include hands-on design challenges, student interviews, and readings and discussions about engineering, student thinking, standards alignment, and activity development. Learn more at http://okee.tufts.edu. Questions to Merredith Portsmore (mportsmo@tufts.edu) or okee@tufts.edu.
Open Positions:
Campbell University is founding a new School of Engineering that will offer the Bachelor of Science degree in General Engineering with concentrations in Mechanical Engineering and Chemical/Pharmaceutical Engineering. The inaugural freshman class will start Fall 2016 (pending SACSCOC approval). The program will utilize an innovative approach to engineering education to ensure a strong foundation in engineering fundamentals, while providing flexibility through multiple concentrations and collaborations across the university. Campbell’s location in proximity to North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park areas provide numerous opportunities for collaboration with other universities and corporate partners. Campbell is seeking to fill two positions:
- Associate Dean, Assistant/Associate Professor (to develop/teach our hands-on, project-based freshman engineering curriculum)
- Laboratory Manager
Questions may be directed to: Jenna Carpenter, Dean, carpenter@campbell.edu or 910-814-4018. Position ads can be found here: http://chc.tbe.taleo.net/