Dear PCEE Division Members,


I’ve got two updates to share, as well as announcements after my signature, below:


Update on submission of proposals for the 2017 ASEE PreK-12 Engineering Education Workshop: We know that several of you have been anxiously waiting for the proposal submissions to open. It is now expected to open next week, with a submission deadline of February 24, 2017. Look for a special email announcement that will be sent out when the submission process opens. To help you prepare in advance, a Workshop Guide has been posted that contains all the information that will be requested.


Update for 2017 ASEE Annual Conference PCEE Division Authors: By now, you are probably aware that the draft papers deadline has been extended to Sunday, February 12, 2017. (Pause for grateful meditation.) As you’re completing those papers, please be sure to:

  • Review and follow the rubrics provided to the reviewers (links to rubrics below)
  • List the appropriate category of your draft paper at the end of the title.
  • Categories include: Work in Progress (WIP); Fundamental Research; Research to Practice (RTP); Evaluation; or Resource Exchange
  • Example: Evaluation of an Engineering-Infused Camp Experience (RTP)
  • Do not include author or affiliation information in any draft papers. No university names, real project names, etc.

Details about paper types and links to the rubrics at the end of this newsletter; to get there quickly, scroll down until you see GREEN. All of this information is also in an email from our Program Chair, Liesl Hotaling, sent on December 29th.

Feel free to send me brief items to post for the benefit of our community.

Take care,


Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Ph.D.

Chair, Pre-College Engineering Education Division

American Society for Engineering Education

Associate Professor of Science Education

Director, Integrated STEM Instructional Leadership (PreK-6) Post-Baccalaureate Program

Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences

Towson University



Science Section of Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE-Science) (new!). Our very own Andrea Burrows, PCEE Division member at large, is the new editor for CITE-Science. If you or any graduate students or colleagues have any papers that might fit this journal – including engineering education articles – please consider submitting your work. CITE-Science is sponsored by the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE). The unique purpose of this journal is to publish peer-reviewed research reports and theoretical articles on the use of innovative technologies in science teacher education. We encourage manuscripts that deal with the education of preservice or inservice science teachers as well as college level science faculty. This online journal allows authors to include the interactive technologies as part of the manuscript for readers’ direct access to the example technologies. These can include video, audio, animation and external links. In addition, an extended virtual dialogue is possible, as commentaries on published works are encouraged. Such dialogues have already taken place on subjects such as appropriate guidelines for use of technology in teacher education.

IEEE Transactions on Education (re-posted): Call for Papers Special Issue on Increasing the Socio-Cultural Diversity of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Related Fields; Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 May 2017

Questions? Email Laura Bottomley,

Topics of interest for this Special Issue include, but are not limited to:

  • Improving participation of underrepresented groups in fields of interest to IEEE, which include, but are not limited to computer science, electrical engineering, computer engineering, software engineering, biomedical engineering. Underrepresented groups vary by country and/or region, but include:
  • Women, Minorities for which underrepresentation varies by country and or region, LGBT, Classroom techniques supportive of diverse learners with specific application to fields of interest to IEEE
  • Efforts in K-12 (or equivalent) to promote diversity in fields of interest to IEEE, Promoting innovation by women , Promoting innovation by underrepresented minorities, Novel teaching pedagogies that apply research on learning and teaching and impact students differentially by group

Manuscripts can refer to general engineering-related topics, but must demonstrate applicability to Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and closely related fields.

JOB POSTING (re-posted x3!):

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) is looking to fill the Executive Director of the STEM Education Center position. This position provides leadership for the STEM Education Center at WPI, promotes WPI’s visibility as a leader in innovative STEM education at the state and national level and supports WPI initiatives including faculty grant proposals and the Teacher Preparation Program. ~ Worcester Polytechnic Institute was founded in 1865 to create and convey the latest science and engineering knowledge in ways that are most beneficial to society. Today, WPI holds firm to its founding mission to provide an education that balances theory with practice. WPI’s 14 academic departments offer more than 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in science, engineering, technology, business, the social sciences, and the humanities and arts, leading to bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. [For those of you who knew Martha Cyr in this role, she is remaining at WPI, leading a new initiative within the STEM Education Center.]


Your draft papers are due on Sunday, February 12, 2017

We wanted to share the information used to evaluate draft papers to provide you with as much guidance as possible during the drafting stage. There are three main points:

Review and follow the rubrics provided to the reviewers (links to rubrics below)

Please list the appropriate category of your draft paper at the end of the title.

Categories include: Work in Progress (WIP); Fundamental Research; Research to Practice (RTP); Evaluation; or Resource Exchange

Example: Evaluation of an Engineering-Infused Camp Experience (RTP)

No author or affiliation information should be included in any draft papers.

Please read the descriptions of categories for papers so that you have a clear understanding of what the Division expects from the paper submissions.

Work in Progress (poster)

Work in Progress papers should describe an innovative study or program for which only preliminary data and results are available. Papers must be no more than 5 pages. Papers over 5 pages will be rejected.

Examples might include a pilot campus summer workshop conducted as a prototype/basis for a large project proposed to a funder, or the first year summary of a large project already funded yet without full evaluation results collected and analyzed.

Fundamental Research in Pre-College Engineering Education (oral presentation or poster)

Fundamental research studies add to foundational knowledge in P12 engineering education about students, teachers, materials, settings and more. Studies in this category do not focus on a particular intervention and the impacts of its outcome, but instead add to our understanding of underlying phenomena and ideas. Examples of studies appropriate for this category include: studying the relationship between children’s planning and final artifacts, elementary teachers’ perspectives on engineering or aspects of the engineering design process, and students’ uses of mathematical modeling in a design task.

Research-to-Practice (RTP) (oral presentation or poster)

RTP studies are assessed/evaluated outreach and/or education initiatives. These papers should present robust data/analysis and evaluation and provide a literature review that situates the results within the existing body of work versus those with pure evaluation. Papers that have an evaluative focus without being situated in the research literature should be submitted as a Program/Curriculum Evaluation paper (see below). Examples of studies appropriate for this category: Those that explore teacher-student or student-student interactions, as well as those that examine programmatic impacts in either formal or informal learning settings.

Evaluation of Programs/Curricula (oral presentation or poster)

Papers in this category share details of implementation and evaluation results of a particular program or curriculum. Papers in this category do not address a research question but rather share rich, detailed implementation information and robust evidence and data related to successes and challenges for the program/curriculum. Examples might include a district level implementation of 5th grade engineering activities or a city wide informal robotics competition.

P12 Resource/Curriculum Exchange (sharing/exchange special session)

Resources presented in the P12 Resource/Curriculum Exchange can be a lesson, instructional approach, tools or activity examples that describe how to incorporate engineering into the P12 learning environment. Abstract submissions to the P12 Exchange should include a brief description of your program (approximately 100 words or less) and a description of the activity, instructional approach or curriculum (grade level, learning goals, materials, time, and procedure) you are proposing to share during a special session. Paper submissions will be the one to two page handout that you plan to distribute at the session that includes a specific activity as well as your contact information and any additional links or resources. Examples: Please see the 2016 Curriculum Exchange Session for examples

A 1-to-2 page handout to be distributed at the exchange should be submitted in lieu of a paper. This handout should summarize the curriculum, the target grade level(s), and your contact information.

Please review and use the appropriate rubric in your paper preparation process:

Work in Progress Rubric

Fundamental Rubric

Research to Practice Rubric

Evaluation Paper Rubric

Resource Exchange Rubric

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, Liesl Hotaling, 2017 P12 Program Chair at (

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