Get involved with one of the fastest growing divisions in ASEE! The K-12 Engineering Education Division of the American Society for Engineering Education seeks candidates for the following officer positions;

  • Program Chair-Elect (Please note this is a two-year commitment as Program Chair-Elect becomes Program Chair the following year.)
  • K-12 Representative
  • Two Members-at-Large  (Please note this is a two-year commitment as we rotate 2 positions each year.)

Position descriptions are included below.  The Nominating Committee welcomes recommendations and self nominations.  Candidates must be a member of the division. To propose a candidate, please submit the following information by July 16, 2009 to the Nominating Committee chair, Teri Reed-Rhoads, at .

  1. Officer Position for the Nomination
  2. Candidate’s Name
  3. Candidate’s Professional Affiliation
  4. Candidate’s Mail Address, Email Address, Phone Number
  5. A 100-250 word statement of candidate’s qualifications, to appear on the ballot.

If you do not feel comfortable nominating yourself, ask one of your colleagues to do it for you.  Please direct any questions and comments to Teri Reed-Rhoads at and 765-494-4966.

Thank you for your help!


Officer Position Descriptions

The Program Chair shall serve for one year and shall:

  • Initiate advance planning for Division programming, including conferences, workshops, seminars and short courses.
  • Coordinate special conference events with the Division Chair and the Executive Committee.
  • Receive, distribute for review, and decide upon acceptance of abstracts/papers for presentation at the Annual Conference.
  • Be succeeded by the Program Chair – Elect at the end of each annual meeting of the Society.

The Program Chair – Elect shall serve for one year and shall:

  • Assist the Program Chair with advance planning for Division programming, including programming for the annual conference.
  • Conduct other duties as requested by the Program Chair.
  • Succeed the Program Chair upon completion of his or her term of office as Program Chair-Elect.

The K-12 Representative shall serve for one year and shall:

  • Ensure that Division initiatives align with evolving K-12 trends and meet evolving needs of the K-12 education community.
  • Be currently engaged in teaching engineering-related content in a K-12 school.
  • Serve for a one-year term, ending at the end of each annual meeting of the Society.

The Members-at-Large shall:

  • Serve two-year terms, staggered so as to have two replaced by election each year.
  • Serve on the Executive Committee and, upon appointment, on such other standing and ad hoc committees as the unit may establish.

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