NOVEMBER 18, 2015 Dear Pre-College Engineering Education Division Members, Did you catch that? I’m happy to report that the bylaws have been approved by the ASEE Board of Directors and our new division name is: the Pre-College Engineering Education (PCEE)
November 11, 2015 Newsletter
NOVEMBER 11, 2015 Dear ASEE K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Members, Please see two new announcements – for spatial skills workshops and a position for a curriculum developer/professional development provider – after my signature, below. Also, the deadline to nominate
October 21, 2015 Newsletter
OCTOBER 21, 2015 Dear ASEE K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Members, Thanks to all who submitted abstracts for the 2016 Annual Conference, and to those who submitted Sunday Workshop Proposals for the Pre-Conference. Many of us now have abstract reviews on our to-do lists. If you’ve signed
October 7, 2015 Newsletter
OCTOBER 07, 2015 Dear ASEE K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Members, I will begin with a sincere, “thank you,” to those who participated in the voting process with regard to the bylaws changes. A significant majority of those who voted responded affirmatively to support those
September 23, 2015 Newsletter
SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 Dear ASEE K12 and Precollege Engineering Division Members, I have four important division announcements to share with you on this, the first day of fall: 1. Call for submissions for the 2016 Annual Conference: Our Division invites submissions for the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference to be held New Orleans,