K-12 Teachers, Educators, Administrators:
A terrific program is now online for ASEE’s upcoming K-12 workshop in Vancouver, “Collaboration Can Improve Engineering Education”! Visit: http://teachers.egfi-k12.org/2011-workshop-program/
Register now and learn fun, new ways to get students excited about science, technology, engineering and math. This energizing, highly informative event will introduce you to innovative, effective engineering education instruction, best practices, take-away tools and valuable networking.
FREE to teachers who register by June 10. To register, go to: http://teachers.egfi-k12.org/2011-workshop-registration
When and Where: Saturday, June 25, 2011, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
For additional information, contact Libby Martin | K-12 Meeting Coordinator | American Society for Engineering Education | 1818 N Street NW | Washington DC 20036 | k12workshop@asee.org