2013 ASEE Annual Conference Call for Reviewers
Reviewers are needed! Reviewers are needed! Reviewers are needed!
You’re invited to be a reviewer of abstracts and draft papers for the 2013 ASEE Annual Conference. This very valuable service to the Division and Society should not take more than a few hours, total. While the number of documents you’ll be assigned depends on submissions, the goal is that you will be assigned to review no more than five abstracts and three papers. You’ll also be given scoring rubrics to help you develop your accept or reject recommendations.
The timeline for reviews is different this year, however. Reviewers can be assigned starting Tuesday, 4 September. Abstract submission is closed Friday, 21 September, and reviews are due Friday, 5 October. For the paper phase, draft papers will be assigned to reviewers soon after the Friday, 7 December deadline. Reviews are due Friday, 8 March. (Note: deadlines are as of 5 pm EDT/EST.)
Please send an email to asee.k12.2013@gmail.com by 19 September (but the earlier the better) if you’re willing to serve as a reviewer. A note of acknowledgment documenting your service will be sent to you in April, 2013.
Please contact the Division’s Program Chair, Susan Donohue, University of Virginia, at susand@virginia.edu if you have any questions or require more information. We look forward to working with you to develop a great set of informative and compelling sessions!