Abstract submission is OPEN, Closes 5 pm EDT September 21, 2012

The K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division invites submissions for the 2013 ASEE Annual Conference to be held June 23 – 26, 2013, in Atlanta, GA.  The Division provides a rich and vibrant forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences in the K-12 precollege engineering and technology education arena.

Historically, papers have been submitted in these categories:

I.          Research-to-practice studies

  • innovative (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics, and design:  STEAMd) curricula

o   informal

o   formal

o   enrichment

  • pedagogical methods
  • pre-service teacher preparation
  • professional (in-service) development

Research-to-practice studies are appropriately assessed/evaluated outreach and education initiatives; therefore, robust data gathered and assessed over at least two offerings will be expected.  Studies that contribute to greater diversity in and access to engineering and/or lead to greater awareness among key stakeholders such as teachers, principals, guidance counselors, and parents are encouraged.  Also encouraged are papers collaboratively authored among engineering and technology education K-20 faculty, industry, K-12 faculty, parents, schooling co-operatives, and other outreach partners.  Let us know what works – and what didn’t.  We learn from all experiences!

II.        Best Practices Panel:  Models for establishing, maintaining, and measuring the impacts of partnerships among universities and colleges, P-12 formal and informal education centers, and industry are presented in this panel.

III.       Curriculum Exchange:  You’ll have the opportunity to demonstrate and share how you incorporate engineering into the K-12 curriculum at the Curriculum Exchange.

IV.       Works in Progress:  Poster Session.  A work in progress poster describes an innovative study or program for which only preliminary data and results are available.

V.        Other Topics:  Please consider the above categories to be a guide and not an exhaustive list.  Innovation is how we maintain our strength as leaders in ASEE!


Please keep the following points in mind when preparing your abstract:

Indicate the category in which your submission falls in the abstract’s title

Long-Term Impact of Attending Engineers-In-Training

(research to practice)

  • Abstracts should be 250 – 500 words long
  • Abstracts should provide sufficient description of, as appropriate, research question, program, observations, and (preliminary) results
  • Reviewers must be able to conduct a blind review of both abstracts and papers.
    • Please refer to the Author’s Kit for guidance on formats
    • Please use a pseudonym or placeholder for institutional, department, and other identifying names
    • Anonymize references
    • Do not use identifying information, such as last names, in the file name
    • Examples include:

 University of _____

Department of _____ Engineering

11.       (author ASEE 2008 paper)


 We encourage you to review past proceedings and other literature sources to identify previous work done in your area to help place your research and experiences in context.  You may also find information and instruments that may be helpful in conducting and assessing your work.

A separate call will be issued later in the year for the Saturday K-12 Workshop for the Greater Atlanta community.

Additional information on the Division’s plan for ASEE 2013 and how you can participate as author, reviewer, and/or moderator will be communicated through the Division Chair’s regular reports, updates from the Program Committee, and on the Division’s website at www.k12division.asee.org.  General information on submitting abstracts and papers is found at http://www.asee.org/conferences-and-events/conferences/annual-conference/2013/program-schedule/call-for-papers.  Please note an earlier “window” for submitting your abstracts this year:  August 1 – September 21.

Please contact the Division’s Program Chair, Susan Donohue, University of Virginia, at susand@virginia.edu if you have any questions or require more information.  We look forward to your submission!

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