Get involved with one of the fastest growing divisions in ASEE!

The K-12 and Precollege Engineering Education Division of the American Society for Engineering Education seeks candidates for the following officer positions for 2012-2013;

  • Program Chair-Elect (Please note this is a two-year commitment as Program Chair-Elect becomes Program Chair the following year.)
  • K-12 Representative
  • Secretary Treasurer
  • Two Members-at-Large (Please note this is a two-year commitment as we rotate 2 positions each year.)

Position descriptions are included below.  The Nominating Committee welcomes recommendations and self nominations.  Candidates must be a member of the division.  To propose a candidate, please submit the following information by April 6, 2012 to the Nominating Committee chair, Malinda Zarske, at malinda{dot}zarske{at}colorado{dot}com

(1) Officer Position for the Nomination

(2) Candidate’s Name

(3) Candidate’s Professional Affiliation

(4) Candidate’s Mail Address, Email Address, Phone Number

(5) A 100-250 word statement of candidate’s qualifications, to appear on the ballot.

Please review the example nomination at the bottom of this email for length and format. If you do not feel comfortable nominating yourself, ask one of your colleagues to do it for you.  Please direct any questions and comments to Malinda Zarske at malinda{dot}zarske{at}colorado{dot}com.

Thank you for your support!



The Program Chair – Elect shall serve for one year and shall:

  • Assist the Program Chair with advance planning for Division programming.
  • Assist the Program Chair with organizing special sessions, workshops, and joint sessions for the annual conference.
  • Conduct other duties as requested by the Program Chair.
  • Succeed the Program Chair (one year) upon completion of his or her term of office as Program Chair-Elect.

The K-12 Representative shall serve for one year and shall:

  • Ensure that Division initiatives align with evolving K-12 trends and meet evolving needs of the K-12 education community.
  • Be currently engaged in teaching engineering-related content in a K-12 school.
  • Serve for a one-year term, ending at the end of each annual meeting of the Society.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve for two years and shall:

  • Be responsible for official records and correspondence of the Division and Executive Committee.
  • Be responsible for financial records and the payment of bills of the Division and Executive Committee.
  • Record minutes of the annual business meeting and meetings of the Executive Committee and distribute copies to appropriate Society and Division officers.
  • Secure copies of papers presented at the Annual Meeting sessions, submit same to the Executive Committee for recommendations on publication, and transmit these recommendations to the appropriate editor.
  • Report to the secretary of the Society or other appropriate office on Division finances and proceedings of the annual meeting sessions.

The Members-at-Large shall:

  • Serve two-year terms, staggered so as to have two replaced by election each year.
  • Serve on the Executive Committee and, upon appointment, on such other standing and ad hoc committees as the unit may establish.


Stacy Klein-Gardner, Ph.D.

Peabody College & School of Engineering, Vanderbilt University

329 GPC, 230 Appleton Place, Nashville, TN, 37203-5721, {email address}, {phone number}

Stacy Klein-Gardner has been active with the K-12 Division since its inception, serving in several different leadership roles.  Dr. Klein-Gardner is now the Director of STEM Outreach for Peabody College and the School of Engineering at Vanderbilt University.  She is also a professor of the practice of Teaching & Learning, Biomedical Engineering, and Radiological Sciences and has served as an associate dean in the engineering school. A former high school STEM teacher of ten years herself, she is active in professional development and other engineering education research.  She has run an NSF-funded Research Experiences for Teachers program for seven years.  Through the VaNTH ERC in Bioengineering Educational Technologies, she developed the Vanderbilt Instruction in Biomedical Engineering for Secondary Science (VIBES) program and continues to train teachers in it.  Dr. Klein-Gardner is also active in the Nashville Public Schools and will be helping to open a new Science & Engineering Academy in August 2010.



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