Teacher Opportunities
Tufts University Teacher Engineering Education Program
If you are an Elementary, Middle, or High School teacher interested in bringing Engineering into your classroom, this is the program for you! The Teacher Engineering Education Program (TEEP) is an online certificate program that issues 4 credits a course over 4 courses. Courses cover both content and pedagogy in the classroom and are affordable at only $1,000 a course (+$100 lab fee for content courses). This program is online and flexible for a busy teachers’ schedule. Registration is now open and the program starts Fall 2018! Register today at TEEP.tufts.edu or email us with any questions, teep@tufts.edu
Free webinars about courses are also are available. Sign up here:
Share with the world how you engage diverse students in inclusive engineering, and compete to win a $1000 travel award to the 2018 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 24 – June 27, 2018. (Please share this opportunity widely!)The American Society for Engineering Education celebrates and promotes diversity and inclusion in engineering, and aims to expand access to every student. The Pre-college Engineering Education Division seeks to highlight examples of inclusive engineering through an exciting, creative, and rewarding social media. Follow along using #PCEEChallenge.
Beware! You might earn some bragging rights and tons of likes/shares, though you will most definitely increase awareness of the importance of inclusive engineering, and that’s what most rewarding!
Deadline for submissions is May 1st.
Find more information on the PCEE website.
Student Essay Competition – 4 winners get to present at ASEE!!
Exploring the Intersection between Engineering Design Education and Analysis
What do you need to better learn engineering analysis?
Inspire us all to look forward to the future of engineering design education. Challenge our current assumptions.
Consider the far-reaching and expansive or one dimension could be explored in great depth. From the lens of an undergraduate or graduate student, how might engineering design be used to better teach engineering analysis?
Four winning student essay submissions will get to present their work as part of part of the ASEE DEED
Postcard Poster Session. At the session, the winners will be honored, including the official awarding of $500 (to
offset part of the cost of attending ASEE) and a certificate to each winning submission.
Submissions due April 16, 2018
Click here for full details.
Job Postings
The Institute for STEM and Diversity Project Manager – Boise State University
The Institute for STEM and Diversity Project Manager will lead the implementation of programs, services and initiatives. This position will collaborate to 1) implement strategies for students and faculty to increase the academic success, self-efficacy, and retention of students in STEM majors and others interested in STEM opportunities, 2) transform the campus culture and climate for STEM education, and 3) network with K-12, higher education, and industry partners to address needs related to STEM student success.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Provide leadership for management of STEM initiatives and programs:
1. Create, implement, and assess STEM initiatives intended to increase the STEM student access and success, and contribute to the knowledge-base of STEM education.
2. Potentially supervise employees involved with STEM program activities and support their professional development.
3. Serve as liaison to and collaborate with, campus divisions/units, faculty, student service areas, and grant advisory committees as related to STEM activities for the enhanced student access and success in STEM fields.
4. Author or co-author publications related to the STEM education programs and results.
5. Actively assist in the pursuit of funding opportunities that sustain the STEM Program and enhance STEM student success and education.
Click here for additional details and the online application
Closing date is April 3, 2018.
Seeking Center Director – Harpeth Hall
Harpeth Hall seeks a dynamic and proven leader to lead the Center for STEM Education for Girls. The Director will be highly organized and a strong communicator with proven experience in STEM fields, preferably in an underrepresented field (engineering, computer science, etc.) and preferably pre-college teaching expertise. The Director will have research expertise that fosters future success in leading Center-based research and will have a demonstrated interest in and understanding of the value of girls pursuing STEM and developing STEM pathways for girls. The Director will be a fearless networker and bring strong networks in related fields to the job. Lastly, the Director will be capable of “reimagining the box” and implementing a refreshed vision for the Center. Full job description available here.
Candidates should complete an online application including a letter of interest, curriculum vita, and references.
Get Involved!
We invite you to join us in our efforts to ensure that every child engages in high-quality pre-college engineering education facilitated by effective educators. http://precollege.asee.org/get-involved
Contribute to the Newsletter
This newsletter is for you! If you are interested in sharing brief items that would benefit our community, please let us know. http://precollege.asee.org/contact
Show off your PCEE Style
Order t-shirts, totes, mugs, thermoses, bags, buttons and more! Proceeds go to support scholarships to the annual conference. http://www.zazzle.com/asee_pcee?rf=238925686759147007