2017 was a great year for the PCEE division. Our annual report, released in June, describes highlights from the Annual Conference and K-12 Workshops, as well as a long list of achievements from the year. In addition, you will find the names of the award winners, basic division membership stats, and goals for the next year.
Click the image to the right to download the full report. Highlights noted below:
Conference Highlights
2017 Saturday Workshop on PreK-12 Engineering Education:
- 28 regular and 4 sponsored sessions
- 25 Curriculum Showcase presenters
Commit to P12 Effort:
- Taste of Columbus & Flavors of P12 (Sat)
- Exposition Hall Main Booth! (Sun – Tue)
PCEE at the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition:
- Submissions: 155 abstracts and 106 finalized papers
- Paper Categories (each with refined rubrics): Research to Practice,Fundamental, Evaluation, Work in Progress and Resource Exchange
- 17 technical sessions for 74 orally presented papers
- 6 Resource and Curriculum Exchange presentations
- 26 posters
- Events: Mixer (Sun), Business Meeting (Tue), Reception (Tue), PCEE Division Distinguished Lecture (Wed)
- Co-Sponsored Session: P12 Education: Learning through Guided Discovery Panel Session (Mon); Round Table Conversation on Diversity & Inclusivity (Wed)
- A new Wednesday Annual Workshop: Learn How to Get your P12 Outreach to Take Flight: From Design, to Build, to Assessment All in One Afternoon
Accomplishments in 2016-2017
Bylaws approved February 2017 with:
- Vision, Mission & Core Beliefs
- Awards Committee Structure, Descriptions and Process
Five new financial incentives (* = travel reimbursement):
- For 8 educators to attend PreK-12 workshop*
- For 3 non-PCEE members to attend Wednesday Workshop*
- For 6-8 teachers to present at NSTA Regional ASEE sessions*
- For the Inclusive Engineering Media Challenge winner*
- PCEE Dropbox Business Account for Executive Committee.
Conference Best Papers in JPEER
PreK-12 Workshop Submission in Monolith
Looking ahead to 2017-2018
New committees: Social Media, Supportive Spending
Salt Lake City, UT:
- Sat, June 23, 2018: PreK-12 Teacher Workshop
- Sun, June 24 – 27, 2018: ASEE Annual Conference
Nominations for elected positions: February, 2018