Dear PCEE Division Members,

Ten days to go! Abstracts for the 2017 ASEE Annual Conference and Expo in Columbus, OH are due into Monolith by October 16th. Please go to our division’s Call for Papers for more information.

Announcements follow my signature. All are new, and include: 1) opportunities to present your engineering education work to teachers at 2017 NSTA regional meetings; and 2) numerous upcoming workshops, some of which are happening this month.

Feel free to send me items to post in upcoming newsletters. Please limit those to a paragraph of text, and provide links for readers to find more information.

Take care,


Pamela S. Lottero-Perdue, Ph.D.

Chair, Pre-College Engineering Education Division

American Society for Engineering Education

Associate Professor of Science Education

Director, Integrated STEM Instructional Leadership (PreK-6) Post-Baccalaureate Program

Department of Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences

Towson University



Do you know any ASEE PCEE members in or around Baltimore, Milwaukee, or New Orleans? Maybe it’s you! We are looking for engineering education presenters at the NSTA 2017 Regional Meetings in these cities. ASEE PCEE hosts NSTA regional meeting presentations and we want to include you and/or your colleagues to help K-12 teachers incorporate engineering education into their classrooms. Please contact Stacy Klein-Gardner ( or Andrea Burrows ( if you or someone you know might participate.


Teacher Workshop: Coming Soon! Saturday, October 15, 2016: Frontiers in Education (FIE) 2016 day-long workshop: “Integrating the E in STEM: Bringing engineering into your K-12 Classroom.”  E-in-STEM Educators Workshop that Gannon University and Penn State Behrend are co-hosting during the Frontiers in Education Conference. This event is co-sponsored by the FIE’16 conference and ASEE. For more information:

Engineering is Elementary (EiE): Teacher Educator Institute Workshops: These hands-on, learner-driven workshops prepare you to facilitate EiE professional development workshops for teachers in your school, district, or state.  You’ll develop a deep understanding of the pedagogy and structure of the EiE curriculum. And you’ll take away a large collection of valuable resources to help you facilitate your own EiE workshops. During this 2 ½ day workshop, you will

  • experience two different EiE units as a learner and as a teacher.
  • become familiar with the EiE curriculum, including the structure of the units and the pedagogical approach.
  • gain foundational knowledge of technology, engineering, and the engineering design process.
  • reflect on the strategies used by your workshop facilitators and the philosophical underpinnings of the EiE curriculum.

EiE’s Teacher Educator Institute prepares educators to:facilitate immersive, active EiE workshops for teachers; convey the core values and core understandings of the EiE curriculum; and educate others about the structure, components, and pedagogy of the EiE curriculum.

Upcoming dates and more information:

EiE Webinar Series: EiEXchange sessions focus on effective strategies for teaching engineering. Join us on October 13, 2016 for our next webinar, “Using Effective Questioning Strategies in the Engineering Classroom.”

WORKSHOP ON BUILDING RESEARCH CAPACITY FOR STEM FACULTY DEVELOPMENTApply today to be part of a groundbreaking dialog taking place February 16th-18thHow many hats do you wear? Building Research Capacity for STEM Faculty Development is an NSF sponsored working conference that brings together experts from around the country to develop a national research agenda focused on faculty development in the STEM disciplines. The 1 & ½ day working conference at Clemson University will bring scholars, practitioners, policy-makers, industrial partners, and thought-leaders together to take part in a dialogue about STEM faculty development (NSF grant #1638888). Together, we will tackle difficult questions like:

  • What resources are needed to establish junior faculty as productive contributors to the research, teaching and service mission of a university?
  • How can we leverage current research to provide senior faculty with the means to establish new teaching methods or change research direction?
  • What theories and methodologies must be developed to supply future faculty (STEM doctoral students) with the foundation for a successful academic career?

An optional reception will be held Thursday evening Feb. 16th. The conference will be held all day Friday, Feb. 17th and until lunch Saturday, Feb. 18th.Participants must apply and be selected to attend. Information and the application can be accessed electronically at Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed for participants. Lodging and meals will be provided.

The application deadline is Tuesday, Nov. 1st. Contact: Dr. Karen High at

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