The K-12 AND PRE-COLLEGE ENGINEERING DIVISION seeks papers for the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference. This division provides a forum where the research, development, implementation and dissemination of K-12 engineering and/or technology education initiatives, curriculum, instruction and ideas are shared and discussed. We invite papers related to all aspects of K-12 engineering and technology education efforts including: (a) studies of innovative curriculum, pedagogical methods, and teacher preparation and professional development; (b) appropriately assessed and/or evaluated, effective outreach and education efforts, particularly those efforts contributing to greater diversity and access to engineering and/or awareness among key stakeholders such as teachers, principals, guidance counselors, parents and policy-makers; and (c) models for establishing, maintaining, and measuring the impacts of partnerships between universities, primary and secondary schools, industry and/or informal educational settings. Three special sessions planned for 2011 include: Best Practices Panel of University-K-12 Partnerships, Best Practices Panel in Participant Outcomes Assessment, and a Novel Curriculum Exchange.
Papers should report the results of research or systematically collected outcomes assessment. Papers authored collaboratively between engineering and technology education faculty, industry, outreach partners, and K-12 teachers are encouraged. Additional information about review criteria and the special sessions will be sent through the division member list-serve and will be posted along with answers to frequently asked questions on the K-12 division website ( Updated information about submission processes and deadlines can be obtained at:
For more information, please contact the Division’s Program Chair, Susan Walden, University of Oklahoma; (405) 325-7407; susan_dot_walden_at_ou_dot_edu.
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Special Sessions
Curriculum Exchange and Demonstration
In 2010, we offered the inaugural curriculum exchange poster session. The Division is again seeking teachers, faculty, and industry collaboration in demonstrating, sharing, and exchanging examples of engaging engineering curriculum, lessons, and design problems that have been implemented successfully in the K-12 classrooms. Logistic difficulties with having tables at the poster session lead us to anticipate having the curriculum exchange as a regular technical session. Our expectation is that we will request a room with tables (similar to division business meeting space) so that presenters can have demonstrations or small activities to share with attendees, along with some sort of table top display or handout. The exact details of how this will play out are dependent on how many submissions under this category we get and what ASEE will let us do. We do know that you will need to indicate that you wish to present in the curriculum exchange in your abstract title – “Exchange – My Descriptive Title”. You will still have to submit a paper, but in this case the paper will consist of the curriculum or lesson plans, any assessments that are suggested for use with it, and a description of the context in which it has been tested.
Best Practices in K-12 and University Partnerships
The Division will sponsor the third annual panel session on Best Practices in K-12 and University partnerships. Submissions chosen for participation in this session will demonstrate a true partnership between a K-12 school (or schools) and an engineering school/college at a university. Submissions for this panel session are outside the usual ASEE paper submission process. A specific call will be sent to division members soon. Based on the previous years’ calls, the anticipated requirements will be:
- Partnerships with proven success in the classroom
- Will demonstrate engineering engagement and knowledge acquisition by K-12 students through age appropriate activities and lessons
- Submissions authored collaboratively between engineering and technology education faculty and K-12 teachers are encouraged.
- Details on the partnership’s structure and goals and the successful strategies employed to overcome challenges and obstacles must be included.
Application: Best Practices Panel call 2011 (Due Dec 1, 2010)
Best Practices in K-12 Engineering — Assessments of Participant Outcomes
The Division will solicit nominations and applications from individuals or groups with strong assessment practices in place. Nominations, including self-nominations, have been solicited from K-12 division members and collected through searches of the extant literature. A selection committee will review the nominees and request submission packets from prospective panelists. The packets should include:
- assessment plans or design strategies and a discussion of the decisions informing them,
- assessment instruments, tools, or protocols, and
- sample or summary analyses of data.
For both Best Practices Panels
A review committee comprised of members of the K-12 division executive committee will review the applications and select the exemplars. A representative from each project selected will be invited to be a panel member during a special session of the conference. During the 1.5 hour session, each representative will have time to describe their project’s partnership or assessment strategies. The remaining time will be for discussions with the audience. A single paper will be submitted by the organizer of the special session including the submissions of the panelists. Limited funding for honoraria may be available for Panel selectees.